Projects for Clients

These are some projects for clients, voluntary work, and freelance work I've done since 2019. Confidential projects and projects which belong to clients of my clients are not disclosed here. For more details on my professional work please contact me via email or LinkedIn. Looking for my personal projects?

AR/VR/XR Research, BCI Interfaces Research, Interactive 3D Web Development, Logo Design & Development, 3D Prototyping.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, WebXR API, THREE.js, Google Draco, GSAP, Webpack, Jest, CSS, HTML, Blender, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Illustrator.

Interactive 3D Web Development.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, THREE.js, Google Draco, GSAP, Webpack, CSS, HTML, Blender, PHP, MySQL, WordPress.

Interactive 3D Web Development, Logo Design & Development, Physical Server Setup.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, THREE.js, Google Draco, GSAP, Webpack, CSS, HTML, Blender, Fusion 360, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Photoshop, Illustrator.

Interactive 3D Web Development.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, THREE.js, Google Draco, GSAP, Webpack, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, Blender, Fusion 360.

E-Commerce Web Development following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), WordPress Plugin Development, Interactive 2D Web Development, Data Entry.

Technologies: JavaScript, Anime.js CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Illustrator.

E-Commerce Web Development following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 2D Web Animation Development, Data Entry.

Technologies: JavaScript, GSAP, CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Illustrator.

Research, Web Development following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 2D Web Animation Development, Branding, Logo Design & Development, Data Entry.

Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Photoshop, Illustrator.

Digital Archive of the Minutes of the Meetings of the Municipal Council and the Municipal Committee of Ioannina

Web Development, Data Migration & Management, Data Entry.

Technologies: Java, DSpace, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, G-Cloud.

Ionian Islands

Web Development, Branding, Logo Design & Development, Data Entry.

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, WordPress, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Photoshop, Illustrator.

Regional Union of Municipalities of Ionian Islands

Web Development, Data Migration & Management, Data Entry.

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, Drupal, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.

Department of Informatics & Telecommunications (University of Ioannina)

Web Development, Data Migration & Management, Branding, Logo Design & Development, 3D Prototyping, Data Entry.

Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Photoshop, Illustrator.

HCILAB (University of Ioannina)

AR/VR/XR Research, BCI Interfaces Research, Logo Design & Development, 3D Prototyping.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, WebXR API, THREE.js, Google Draco, GSAP, Webpack, Jest, CSS, HTML, Blender, PHP, Photoshop, Illustrator.

DASTA TEIEP (University of Ioannina)

Web Service Modification to comply with the 2018 migration of the university.

Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, CSS, jQuery, HTML.


Creation of an interactive electronic database for medicinal plants- Preclinical and clinical investigation of the potential beneficial effect of herbs on Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

University General Hospital of Ioannina

3D Prototyping, Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Parts.

Technologies: Fusion 360.


3D Prototyping, Logo Design & Development.

Technologies: Fusion 360, Photoshop, Illustrator.


3D Prototyping.

Technologies: Fusion 360.


3D Prototyping.

Technologies: Fusion 360.


E-Commerce Web Development, Branding, Logo Design & Development, Social Media Marketing, Product Promotion, SEO Strategies, Sales Management.

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Facebook API, Instagram API, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Photoshop, Illustrator.


E-Commerce Web Development, Branding, Logo Design & Development, Social Media Marketing, Product Promotion, SEO Strategies.

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, WordPress, WooCommerce, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Facebook API, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Photoshop, Illustrator.


E-Commerce Web Development, Branding, Logo Design & Development, Social Media Marketing, Product Promotion, SEO Strategies.

Technologies: Shopify, Shopify Liquid, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Instagram API, Google Analytics, Google Search Console (Webmaster), Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Photoshop, Illustrator.

Improve Project

Web Development, Logo Design & Development.

Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, MySQL, PHP, WordPress, Photoshop, Illustrator.


Logo Design & Development.

Technologies: Photoshop, Illustrator.

Society for the Promotion of Mental Health in Epirus

Web Development, Data Migration & Management, Data Entry.

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, Drupal, WordPress, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript.

Personal Projects

These are some of my academic and personal projects. Looking for projects for clients?

MSc Dissertation

Work in progress. (Supervising professor: Nikolaos Giannakeas).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, UDP, OSC, LSL, WebRTC, Websockets, OpenVibe, Neuromore.

Design and development of an AR web application for Gamification in Education

An interactive AR/WebXR web application for dynamic 3D projection of GeoJSON data in the browser. Co-developed with Euaggelia Kiousi during the postgraduate course Virtual and Augmented Reality, aiming the gamification of the Geography lesson using web technologies. This application is aimed at elementary and high school students. It consists of an interactive 3D map of Greece in which the students can navigate through geographical regions and acquire basic knowledge, thus combining learning and entertainment. (Supervising professor: Jeries Besharat).

Technologies: JavaScript, WebGL, THREE.js, WebXR API, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, Webpack, Netlify. Based on Maptime Amsterdam #6: GeoJSON 3D. Data from

Personal Website/Portfolio

My personal website/cloud application with a responsive design and an integrated WebGL environment with interactive elements (3D model and sound) running in the browser in which the user can interact with in real time. The application is entirely developed in JavaScript. The back-end is database-less implemented in Node.js using Express.js and Handlebars.js while the front-end uses Three.js for the WebGL environment and Webpack for bundling. The 3D model was made using Blender and compressed using the Google Draco library. The animations were done using GSAP and Vanilla JavaScript while the real-time audio distortion was done using the Web Audio API.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, WebGL, THREE.js, PositionalAudio, AudioContext, Bootstrap, Blender, Heroku, Blender, GSAP, Google Draco, Photoshop.

A collection of projects about the design, development and construction of physical products that contain mechanical or electronic components, intended mostly for personal use, with some of them being open source. The development is done using CAD technologies such as Autodesk Fusion 360 and most of them are built with 3D printing technologies such as FDM, SLA/DLP.

Technologies: Fusion 360, FDM, SLA, DLP.
A cloud application for hosting and visualization of data from IoT devices

Started as my Thesis and ended up being a kinda big project. A cloud application for hosting and visualization of data from IoT devices.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, Sequelize ORM, Bootstrap, Chart.js, Axios, JWT, jsonwebtoken, JawsDB, Bcrypt, REST-API, CORS, Heroku.

Design and development of a cloud application for hosting and visualization of data from IoT devices
BSc Thesis

(Supervising professor: Nikolaos Giannakeas).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, Sequelize ORM, Bootstrap, Chart.js, Axios, JWT, jsonwebtoken, JawsDB, Bcrypt, REST-API, CORS, Heroku.


A concept of a secure web-based platform for academic students with the purpose of mutual support. Presented at the 1st Arta Smart City Hackathon & Innovation Hub.

*Currently not available online*

A collection of projects, made during the MSc course of Algorithms & Advanced Data Structures. It consists of: • Empirical study of search algorithms (implementations of serial search, binary search, and bounce search algorithms in JavaScript, Node.js, performance tests using the Performance Measurement APIs (Perf Hooks) and unit tests using Jest. • Empirical study of search algorithms (implementation of depth-first and breadth-first search algorithms in JavaScript with real-time 3D visualization of their graphs using WebGL, Three.js, 3d-force-graph. • Solving the Longest Common Substring and Longest Common Subsequence problems. For each problem, both brute force and dynamic algorithms were implemented. For each problem, algorithms of brute force and dynamic programming were implemented. (Supervising professor: Christos Gogos).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, THREE.js, HTML, CSS, Jest, Electron.js, 3d-force-graph, Performance Measurement APIs (Perf Hooks).


This project is about the graph coloring problem which involves assigning a color to each vertex of a graph so that adjacent vertices are colored differently, while the minimum number of different colors is used. The current version implements the First Fit graph coloring algorithm along with the three-dimensional visualization of these graphs in real-time. The main application is built using JavaScript and the visualization of the data is done with WebGL using the Three.js component 3d-force-graph. The application can be executed in three different ways, locally on the computer using Electron.js in the form of an executable application, in the Browser/Client locally using Node.js and in the Browser/Client via the cloud respectively. Developed during the undergraduate course of Algorithms and Complexity. (Supervising professor: Christos Gogos).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, WebGL, THREE.js, HTML, CSS, Jest, Electron.js, 3d-force-graph.

*Currently not available online*

Created three simple live graphical implementations of the Perceptron algorithm and Gallant's Pocket Perceptron algorithm using Matlab for the course of Computational Intelligence during the undergraduate course Computational Intelligence. (Supervising professor: Stavros P. Adam).

Technologies: MATLAB.

Montserrat Z Remix Font (Greek Support)

A remix of the open-source variable font Montserrat by Julieta Ulanovsky from Google Fonts. The font has been modified to assure Greek language support using modified glyphs provided by the same font.

Technologies: FontLab

Personal Website/Portfolio

This is the place where I always do my experiments while learning new technologies. I built this website a couple years ago with a database-less PHP core like a CMS. Later I decided to remake it in JavaScript, Node.js and Express.js. The front page is a mix of high-quality photos, visually edited, sliced into separate layers and transformed into a CSS animation. YouTube and Instagram APIs were used to fetch content.

Technologies: PHP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, Photoshop.

Headless WordPress Mobile App
*Currently not available online*

A single-page headless mobile (Android) app with a WordPress website as a back-end. Developed during the undergraduate course Mobile Applications Development. The app was able to fetch new content from the WordPress website via REST API and store it locally in localStorage for offline use. (Supervising professor: Ioannis G. Tsoulos).

Technologies: JavaScript, Apache Cordova, WPAPI JavaScript Client, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, WordPress.

Headless WordPress Web App (PWA)
*Currently not available online*

A simple progressive headless web app (PWA) with a WordPress website as a back-end. Developed during the undergraduate course Mobile Applications Development. The app was able to fetch new content from the WordPress website via REST API, store it locally in the Node.js server and use it whenever the WordPress Back-end was not available. (Supervising professor: Ioannis G. Tsoulos).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, WPAPI JavaScript Client, Handlebars, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, WordPress.

*Currently not available online*

A full-stack cloud application for a digital book rental service. Developed during the undergraduate course Electronic Commerce. (Supervising professor: Jeries Besharat).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, Bcrypt, Passport.js, Handlebars, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Heroku.

e-Class (PHP)
*Currently not available online*

A full-stack cloud application for a university with course, student, and teacher administration capabilities along with a grading system. Developed during the undergraduate course Web Application Technologies. (Supervising professor: Iosif Polenakis).

Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

e-Class (JS)
*Currently not available online*

A full-stack cloud application for a university with course, student, and teacher administration capabilities along with a grading system. Developed during the undergraduate course VPL (Visual Programming Language). (Supervising professor: Ioannis G. Tsoulos).

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, Bcrypt, Passport.js, Handlebars, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Heroku.

Strongly Connected Components Finder GUI
*Currently not available online*

An application with GUI for finding strongly connected components. The implementation was done using Kosaraju’s algorithm during the undergraduate course Discrete Mathematics. (Supervising professor: Stavros P. Adam).

Technologies: Java, Java Swing API.

Developing a dynamic website (blog) using the WordPress CMS (Greek)
A publication I wrote for one of the courses during my Bachelor's degree. Based on Harvard's format and citation style.

It contains a basic guide of setting up a complete dynamic Wordpress blog manually. (Supervising professor: Votis Konstantinos).

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, WordPress.